Your chance to join the hottest Crypto trend in 2021

Gold Pegas Official
4 min readApr 22, 2021

NFTs — Not only a trend!

NFTs are taking all the spotlight recently on the crypto market. You may have seen the term NFT in the headlines lately. They are taking the art and gaming worlds by storm — but what are NFTs exactly?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. Non-fungible is an economic term that you could use to describe things like your furniture, a song file, or your computer. These things are not interchangeable for other items because they have unique properties. NFTs are tokens that we can use to represent ownership of unique items. They let us tokenize things like art, collectibles, even real estate. They can only have one official owner at a time and they’re secured by the Ethereum blockchain — no one can modify the record of ownership or copy/paste a new NFT into existence.

NFTs market tripled in just 1 year

The $1 billion market for NFTs has seemingly come out of nowhere to capture the imagination of artists and blockchain fanatics all over the world.

A recent report revealed that NFT transactions tripled in 2020, reaching more than $250 million in total.

The NFT Report 2020, stated that the NFT market could be considered the core class for the virtual economy, especially with support from global brands’ interests in NFTs. Fashion and luxury brands such as Nike and Louis Vuitton, as well as sports brands like the NBA, NFL, UFC and Formula 1 are all putting their hats in the NFT-ring, creating NFT-based consumer goods and services.

Blockchain technology hits the gaming industry

Game is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, taking in billions of dollars in revenue. Worldwide online game market was analysed to reach $79 billion by the end of the year 2025. Online games represent the second-largest revenue generator in the entire gaming market

Online games will experience a healthier growth than offline games, partially owing to the rise of eSports, which is projected to expand by 23% of compound annual growth and is predicted to cross $299 million in sales by 2021. Nevertheless, the true driving force behind the rise of online gaming is the continuing development of the online and micro-transaction industry, which is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.8% for the next few years to hit $27.4 billion by 2021.

The growth in online microtransactions is really robust. Indeed, by 2021, the online / microtransaction market is expected to constitute 55% of mainstream gaming revenue, with an equal split between physical and digital sales of 22% and 23% respectively.

Also the collision of blockchain technology and gaming holds great promise for the growth of industries. Blockchains provide a useful tool for gamers for various reasons including decentralized asset exchanges, verifiable scarcity of virtual objects and collectibles, fast and secure payment networks, and an ability for developers to properly monetize their creations.

GDP token in the revolution of gaming industry

Current NFTs are collectibles and most only valuable in some NFT-driven games, but with our dynamic gaming NFT system, players who own NFTs in their old games can move on to own new NFTs in a new game by effortlessly converting their old items into new items in the new game using a dynamic value conversion system. To be able to do this, the player must also lock a fixed amount of GDP tokens in the new game pool to increase their contribution level and be able to convert into more valuable new NFT items. Voucher and gift card owners will be able to check their usage status on the blockchain thanks to seamless integration of Usage Status Check systems. Users get status updates as fast as blockchain transaction time

The GDP is a new governance token as the incentive mechanism for a future of decentralization in Gaming and Retail. With our dynamic gaming NFT system, players can effortlessly convert their old NFT items into new NFT items in the new game using a dynamic value conversion system. To be able to do this, the player must also lock a fixed amount of GDP tokens in the new game pool to increase their contribution level and be able to convert into more valuable new NFT items.

By joining GDP, you are joining in a revolution in the gaming industry. GoldPegas — The universal token for Gaming and Retail. Follow us now!

